- patent: 明显的
- vindicate: 证明…清白
- resound:发出回响
- stagnant: 停滞的,呆滞的,污浊的
- stagnation: 停滞
- entrepreneur: 企业家
跟随罗默(Romer) 和贾菲 (Jaffe)的脚步,学者们绘制了发明者的合作网络。
Following the steps of Romer and Jaffe, scholars mapped the co-authorship networks of inventors.
The first measure of knowledge we published is now known as a measure of relatedness. It measures the knowledge an economy has regarding a specific activity.
- 但是我们究竟能否加速知识的流动呢?更好的数据和方法可以让我们在显微镜下观察知识的流动.
But could we ever accelerate the flow of knowledge? Better data and methods are allowing us to put the flow of knowledge under the microscope.
- 几年后我们又发表了第二个测度指标,该指标用于测量一个国家、地区或城市的知识总量。该测量方法聚焦知识强度,其事实根据是:知识本身既有重叠又有离散块的形式,不能被简单叠加.
A few years later we published a second metric measuring the total knowledge in a country, region, or city. This measure focused on the intensity of knowledge–the fact that knowledge cannot be simply added, since it has overlaps and comes in discrete chunks.
- 但经济复杂性指标能够证明罗默(Romer)的观点是对的吗?答案是一个响亮的“是的”, 知识强度更高的国家会更富有也更平等。同时,这些国家人均国内生产总值拥有超量知识时它们的发展也会更迅速。这个神奇的指标预测了东亚的崛起、希腊的危机以及拉美的停滞。
But did economic complexity vindicate Romer’s vision? The answer was a resounding yes. Countries that were more knowledge-intense were richer and less unequal, and when they had an excess of knowledge per unit of GDP per capita, they grew faster. The magic metric predicted the rise of East Asia, the crisis of Greece and the stagnation of Latin America.
Romer’s work was recently recognized with the Nobel Prize, even though it was just the beginning of a longer story. Knowledge could be infinitely shared, but did that mean it could go everywhere? Soon after Romer’s seminal paper, Adam Jaffe, Manuel Trajtenberg and Rebecca Henderson published a paper on the geographic diffusion of knowledge. Using a statistical technique called matching, they identified a “twin” for each patent (that is, a patent filed at the same time and making similar technological claims).
When Romer published his seminal paper on economic growth I was only 10. Sixteen years later, I was doing my PhD at the University of Notre Dame. Unlike Romer, I had troves of data. I had data on mobile phone calls tracing social networks and human mobility. I had data on international trade, summarizing countries’ patterns of production with exquisite detail. This last data set was the flour we needed to create empirical measures of knowledge, extending Romer’s ideas to the world of big data.
当罗默发表那篇具有重要影响的关于经济增长的论文时,我年仅10岁。16年后,我在圣母大学读博士。与罗默不同,我所拥有的数据丰富多样。我有用于追踪社交网络和人类活动性的手机电话数据,有包含了各个国家生产模式完美细节的国际贸易数据。后一种数据正是我们用来创造知识的实证测度所需要的 “面粉”,它使得我们能够将罗默的观点拓展至大数据的世界。