365_self Discipline_week2

Category: English


day8: on unessential necessities

  • miserable: 痛苦的
  • unessential: 无关紧要的
  • deprive:剥夺
  • voluntarily:自愿地
  • resilience: 还原能力

day9: on your future life

  • immersive: 沉浸式的
  • monetary:货币的
  • empathy:同感
  • meditate:冥想
  • self-empathy:自我共情

day10: On building your story

  • daunt: 使畏惧
  • acclaim: 称赞, 为喝彩
  • kindle: 点燃, 焚烧
  • masterpiece: 杰作

day11: On self-discipline and talent

  • astounding: 使震惊
  • whereas: 然而
  • inevitably: 不可避免
  • undeniably: 无可否认地
  • solitude: 独处
  • consistent: 始终如一的, 一贯的
  • make up for: 弥补
  • inborn: 天生的
  • trait: 潜质, 特点

day12: On calmness of mind

  • indication: 迹象
  • ripened:使成熟
  • distraction: 分心
  • lurk: 潜伏
  • mundane:乏味的, 平凡的

day13: On What You Want Now and What You Want Most

  • the instant fleeting pleasure: 转瞬即逝的乐趣
  • precedent: 先例

Day 14: On Long-Term Focus

  • delude: 欺骗
  • mindset: 观念模式
  • haul: 赃物
  • physique: 体格
  • sustainable: 可持续的
  • routine:常规
  • endeavor: 努力