365_self Discipline_week3

Category: English


day15: On constant Improvement

  • constantly:不断地
  • granted: 理所当然
  • consistently:连贯,始终如一
  • instant:立刻的,及时的
  • resolve: 决定, 下定决心

day16: On self-reliance

  • reliance:依赖
  • crutch: 支撑物, 拐杖

Day 17: On Rising from the Ashes of Failure

  • stumble: 绊倒
  • setback: 挫折
  • prosperity: 繁荣
  • undesirable:不良的,有害的
  • dramatic: 戏剧性的
  • lessons: 教训

day18: On higher standards

  • lenient: 仁慈, 宽松的
  • flak:严厉批评
  • responsible: 有责任的
  • suppose: 认为, 猜想
  • mediocrity:平庸
  • sure-fire: 万无一失的, 一定成功的

day19: on fighting well

  • podium:领奖台
  • sabotage: 蓄意破坏, 怠工
  • mettle: 奋斗精神
  • frustrated:阻挠

day20: on taking small steps

  • facilitate: 使…便利,加快,促进
  • curse: 咒语
  • irk: 使…恼怒
  • slightly:略微地

day21: On the Importance of Habits

  • sprint: 短跑比赛
  • fuel: 燃料, 供能
  • kick in: 生效,激活
  • take over: 接手
  • modicum:少量
  • a modicum of: 一点
  • subsequent:随后的
  • temporarily: 临时地,暂时地
  • sustain: 维持
  • impermanent:临时的
  • permanent: 永恒的