365_self Discipline_week4

Category: English


day22: On self-discipline as freedom

  • lethargy:没精打采
  • pitcher:投手
  • slave:奴隶
  • deprivation:剥夺
  • endeavor:努力
  • enslave:奴役
  • substantial:可观的,显著的,重要的
  • ultimately:最终

Day 23: On Disciplined Education

  • refrain: 叠句, 忍住,避免,克制
  • worthwhile:值得做的,有价值的
  • eschew: 避开, 回避
  • blindly:摸黑地,盲目地
  • mental: 智力的
  • chatter: 喋喋不休,唠叨
  • By getting your news from just one source and blindly believing it, you run the risk of mental laziness. 只从一个来源获取信息并盲目相信,你就有精神懒惰的风险。
  • provoking: 激怒

Day 24: On Happiness Through Self-Discipline

  • irony: 反语,嘲讽
  • subject:使..隶属,使..顺从
  • subject to:取决于
  • immense:巨大的
  • crave: 渴望得到, 恳求
  • torture:酷刑
  • gadget:小机械装置
  • in the long haul:长远来看
  • motivator: 动力
  • moment:片刻
  • voluntarily:自愿地
  • unforeseen:未预料到的
  • manifestation:表现
  • nobler strivings: 更高尚的奋斗
  • stuff:填充
  • forego:放弃, 走在..前面
  • cultivate:培养,栽培
  • congruent:一致的,符合的,和谐的

Day 25: On Starting Today

  • ponder:琢磨,仔细考虑
  • procrastinate:拖延
  • Come up with:提出
  • obsess:迷住

Day 26: On the Long-Term Consequences of Your Choices

  • torn: 撕破
  • succumb:屈服
  • temptation:诱惑
  • crumble:碎屑
  • ponder: 仔细考虑, 琢磨
  • resolution: 坚定
  • precedent:先例
  • once-off:一次性的
  • timeframe:时间范围

day27: on following the wrong path

  • miserable: 痛苦的
  • drain:下水道,浪费,消耗
  • pursue: 追逐
  • arduous:艰难的
  • Self-discipline is powerful as long as you apply it to the goals you care about— the ones that, even when they are difficult to accomplish, energize you.


  • reservoir:水库,贮藏

day28: on living in offensive mode

  • offensive:无礼的, 冒犯的
  • ongoing:持续的,发展的
  • sake: 目的,利益
  • abundance:大量,充足
  • perception:视觉,感觉,看法,洞察力
  • disposable:一次性的
  • income: 收入
  • negligible:可忽略不计的
  • venture:企业, 冒险, 勇敢
  • assure:向..保证
  • prospect:希望,成功的机会,前途
  • track: 行踪,足迹