Macos 配置 golang 开发

Category: GoLang


brew install go

最近新安装的 go 突然不能用了, 很奇怪, 后来发现需要设置一下

# vi ~/.zshrc
# Set the GOPROXY environment variable
export GOPROXY=,direct
export GOROOT=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.21.4/libexec/
export GOPATH=$HOME/go/
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

坑点就在 libexec, 之前好像是不需要的, 不加的话就会找不到 go 的执行文件, 报错:

  package fmt is not in std (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.21.4/src/fmt)
  package command-line-arguments: cannot find package

在 nvim 里面开启 gopls 支持

brew install gopls
go get
# vim-go: could not find 'gopls'. Run :GoInstallBinaries to fix it


go run hello.go