Mit6.s081课程lab1 Util解答

Category: Tips


巩固一下之前学的C语言, syscall等内容, 尝试一下OS的lab.

课程schedule: 6.S081 / Fall 2021 (;

lab1主页: Lab: Xv6 and Unix utilities (;

中文翻译部分: 1.5 read, write, exit系统调用 - MIT6.S081 (;(感谢大佬)

之前配置过环境, 但是一直没来学习, 现在趁着假期补上OS的内容.




下面采用了xv6源码给出的基本系统调用的列表, 逐个进行分析:

xv6: a simple, Unix-like teaching operating system (;

System call Description
int fork() Create a process, return child’s PID.
int exit(int status) Terminate the current process; status reported to wait. No return.
int wait (int *status) Wait for a child to exit; exit status in *status; returns child PID.
int kill (int pid) Terminate process PID. Returns O, or -1 for error.
int getpid() Return the current process’s PID
int sleep(int n) Pause for n clock ticks.
int exec(char *file, char *argv[]) Load a file and execute it with arguments; only returns if error.
char *sbrk(int n) Grow process’s memory by n bytes. Returns start of new memory.
int open(char *file, int flags) Open a file; flags indicate read/write; returns an fd (file descriptor).
int write(int fd, char *buf, int n) Write n bytes from buf to file descriptor fd; returns n.
int read(int fd, char *buf, int n) Read n bytes into buf; returns number read; or 0 if end of file.
int close(int fd) Release open file fd.
int dup(int fd) Return a new file descriptor referring to the same file as fd.
int pipe(int p(l) Create a pipe, put read/write file descriptors in p[0] and p[1].
int chdir(char * dir) Change the current directory.
int mkdir(char *dir) Create a new directory.
int mknod(char *file, int, int) Create a device file.
int fstat(int fd, struct stat *st) Place info about an open file into *st.
int stat(char *file, struct stat *st) Place info about a named file into *st.
int link(char *file1, char *file2) Create another name (file2) for the file file1.
int unlink(char *file) Remove a file.